Facts About Cuban Exiles (FACE), announces that Aida Levitan, Ph.D., has been elected its 2019 Chairperson of the Board of Directors. Other members of the new Board Executive Committee are: Frank Carreras, Past Chairman; Tony Argiz, Treasurer; Leonardo Rodríguez, Secretary. The Executive Committee includes the following Ad Hoc members: Armando Codina, Adolfo Henriques, César Pizarro, Sam Verdeja and Emilio Palomo, as well as the 2020 Chairman-Elect, Ed García, Esq.
According to Dr. Levitan, “In 2019 FACE will continue to communicate the many positive stories of Cuban Americans by launching new programs and continuing successful past initiatives.” She added, “We will further develop the FACE Roundtable Series, created by former Chairman Frank Carreras, in which successful Cuban-Americans share their life stories with young Cuban-American leaders. We will also recognize outstanding Cuban Americans in the annual award luncheon and further promote Cubans: The Epic Journey and its Spanish-language version, a collection of essays about the exceptional experience and contributions of Cuban exiles in the U.S. and the world.”
Frank Carreras, immediate Past FACE Chairman stated: “It was an honor to serve FACE as Chairman last year, and to expand our audience by reaching out to Cuban-American MIllenials. I am confident that the new Chair will be capable of guiding us forward and promoting a positive image of people of Cuban origin and their descendants.”
Dr. Levitan heads The Levitan Group, a strategic branding and marketing consulting firm. Additionally, she serves as Chairperson of the Board of Directors of U.S. Century Bank. A U.S. Hispanic marketing pioneer, she served as President of the number one Hispanic advertising agency in the U.S. in 2004-05. She has received numerous awards for her work as Founder-President of ArtesMiami, Chair of the UM’s Cuban Heritage Collection Amigos Board & as a Board member of the Spanish Cultural Center of Miami, among others. She is also a member of the prestigious Council on Foreign Relations.
Facts About Cuban Exiles was founded in 1982 to defend the reputation of Cuban exiles and Cuban-Americans. It includes many prominent civic and community leaders who represent a cross-section of the Cuban diaspora in Miami. Its mission is to promote, foster and improve the reputation and image of people of Cuban origin who have sought refuge outside of Cuba due to the existing political conditions, as well as that of their descendants. FACE also endeavors to promote good will towards Cuban-Americans and to develop greater understanding and cooperation with other groups in the Miami community. FACE has encouraged fair and balanced media coverage and has responded to biased or erroneous reports. It publishes information daily concerning Cuban exiles on its website www.facecuba.org. Follow us on Twitter, https://twitter.com/facecuba and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/facecuba/